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Quiddity-CRM software

Quiddity App now available for downloading

Depending on what you read, smart phone market penetration in Australia is around 95% so it was only a matter of time before the team at Quiddity developed a smart phone application to complement the web based application that we all love to use.

The Quiddity app can be found on both Apple and Android stores and includes a number of the key features of the browser based application. Currently the Quiddity team has focused on four most used functionalities:


Creating contacts on the go is invaluable when you are out and about. Enjoy the convenience of being able to create a contact or update a contact on your smartphone, even when a business card is not in sight. The mobile app allows you to create contacts on the go so that you do not have to look for misplaced business cards when you want to contact someone – its all at your finger tips!


Being able to work anywhere, anytime means that business is constantly evolving. The mobile app allows you to keep track of your lead progression from anywhere. Record details of a lead, update latest activities, prioritise and progress all while out of the office.


You may be outside the office or have a remote team, the task functionality on the mobile app ensures that tasks are assigned to the correct team member as and when they arise. Never miss another deadline or request as the mobile app allows you to delegate on the go.

To Do

Is your computer screen swamped with post it notes as reminders to yourself of things to do? What happens when you are away from your computer screen, do you find yourself trying to remember what you should be doing? Wait no longer, the mobile app allows you to create and update tasks as and when you require

Quiddity keeps you on track. Trial it today with our 14-day free trial.

Brendan Fazel

Brendan works as a Product Manager at Quiddity, an amazing workflow and customer relationship management tool for small businesses. He has a passion for design and problem solving and loves to share knowledge and collaborate with others.

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