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Simple project management software – Quiddity

Five Project Management Myths that Quiddity Debunks

Project management is already a lengthy and complicated process without any myths, and there are several untruths and false notions which still prevail in the meeting and board rooms. These myths do affect the efficiency of the members working on it. Therefore, it is high time that small businesses find some ways to pull their employees from the pool of myths and false perspectives. A simple project management software is one of the ideal ways to debunk all the myths and enable employees to utilise their full potential and deliver the desired outcome in the defined timeline.

A project management software comprises of features such as summary reports, invoice debtor reports, leave reports, marketing campaign reports and more. Such reports allow project managers to base their decision on correct facts and figures and make a foolproof project plan. Take a look at the infographic and learn how Quiddity can help you bust the false notions about project management.

Project Management Myths - Simple Project Management Software - Quiddity


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Carly works as the Xperience Manager at Quiddity, an amazing workflow and customer relationship management tool for small businesses. Carly is passionate about ensuring that all users get the very best out of Quiddity.

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