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Christmas down under

While most of the world celebrates Christmas in freezing snow sitting by the fireplace, us Aussies celebrate the blessed holiday in summer! It’s scorching hot, its laughter and fun, it’s family & friends, it’s a BBQ, it’s beach, it’s cricket, it’s surfing, it’s beer … lots of ice cold beer and it’s singing Christmas carols.

Australia is the Land Down Under, where the seasons are opposite to the rest of the northern hemisphere and its nothing but party time when it comes to Christmas.

Christmas at QuiddityBeing a cultural melting pot, not everyone celebrates the holiday season in the same way. So, let’s find out how the Quiddity team celebrates Christmas and what they are grateful for.

The man, the myth, the legend, the product owner of Quiddity, Vivek is a dynamic figure, often seen scaling walls and crushing ice. He is grateful for the break so he can catch up on his sleep and then sleep some more. In his free time, he writes #AwardWinningOperas that are recreated by the Quiddity team because why not, also we are paid to do so and because the laws of physics don’t apply to him.

Quiddity’s product manager loves memes and is a legend in his own right. Did you know Brendan tried his hands at DJing and wanted to be a super star. Being a music lover, he is looking forward to creating #TranceMusic over the holidays, of course drinking beer and well, not working! Though let’s be real, being the workaholic he is, he might just reply to a few emails. During the holidays, to let off steam, he watches his favourite show (Breaking Bad) and runs marathons for fun.

Everyone who knows Dyean can be divided into two groups: those who like her and those who still don’t know her. The Consultant Advisor at Quiddity, Dyean is grateful for her many family and friends that live in Australia. The Christmas holidays are an ideal time for all of them to celebrate each other over good food, good wine and great company. Dyean is a #WildChild who can often be found enjoying herself on the dance floor till 4 am.

The Quiddity Xperience Manager and #SuperstarMummy Carly, has a mojo of her own, she cooks thirty-minute brownies in 20 minutes. Carly is grateful for her two little girls and family. During the holidays, she’s looking forward to going down to her hometown, Jervis Bay, and going to the beach everyday (which is just 10 minutes away! Are you kidding the rest of us?), relaxing in the sun, eating lots of seafood and drinking whatever alcoholic beverage lands in her hands.

Shiralee the Marketing Associate at Quiddity is a #StrongIndependentWoman, a definite 8 on the scale of 1 to 10 of legendness, a quintessential nerd, globetrotter, foodie and a die hard meme lover. This Christmas, she is grateful to her Quiddity team, also she’s going home for the holidays where she’s looking forward to getting pampered with all the food. The month of festivities is going to be filled with food, fun, family and friends! And then spending January regretting Christmas calories.

The Quiddity team wishes you more possibilities, fewer regrets and lots of life! Let’s upswing to 2018 together enjoying the Christmas spirit.

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Brendan Fazel

Brendan works as a Product Manager at Quiddity, an amazing workflow and customer relationship management tool for small businesses. He has a passion for design and problem solving and loves to share knowledge and collaborate with others.

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